(This was supposed to be written when Barack Obama initially became President...however it is now almost 5 months later...)
Where to start...me and politics DON'T go together...AT ALL! This Presidential election was one that will be remembered forever. It's one of those "you'll always remember where you were when you found out." Just like the Columbine shooting, or the September 11th attack, as clear as day I can remember where I was when I heard the news. And just like the shooting, and the terrorist attacks, when news of Obama winning the election hit, I was in a classroom. In fact, my professor was in the middle of a lecture in my night class and a few students started receiving text messages, "OBAMA WON!" Next thing you know, I'm being told to take the rest of the night off and go celebrate. My 3 hour night class was over in 50 minutes. But wait a minute, what if I'm not excited about this, what if I'm not a Democrat, what if I didn't want Barack Obama to take office??? I found myself walking home that night, I just wanted to be alone and think. What did this mean for our country? Was it as great as everyone thought it would be? I mean wow, I can't believe that I was able to witness the 1st African American become President of the United States, that IS awesome, no doubt about that! Maybe not everyone has broken down those racial barriers, but as a nation we have.
It's okay Davina, he's going to do great. Everyone loves him and they're excited about what he's doing, and plans that he has. So why is it that I can't join in the celebration with everyone else? What's wrong with me? Then I realized it's so much deeper than all they hype, deeper than him becoming the first African American President, because why should that matter? Aren't we all human, made in one image? I realized that no matter what, I can't sway when it comes to MY morals, MY beliefs, and MY values. There are some issues that Mr. Obama and I don't see eye to eye on. I'll leave out details for the sake of unnecessary debate, but bottom line, I'm not the biggest Obama fan, and I didn't have a smile on my face the night that I got out of class early.