As I was sitting and waiting for the bus today, I happened to look down at my feet. Now I'm not big on doing the whole pedicure thing, but I'd like to think that I take pretty good care of my feet. Here in Hawaii, the majority of people where slippahz (slippers), or more commonly known in the mainland, flip flops. And then, I started to notice everyone else's feet. People waiting for the bus, people walking by, people on the bus, people on Fort Street... EVERYONE was wearing slippahz. I don't know why I never thought about before, but golly! This can't be good for our feet! I realized that over 90% of the shoes sitting outside my front door are slippahz. There is no support for our feet, and my feet are so flat that it's not that comfortable to shove my foot into heels anymore (not that it ever was before). Take a look at your slippahz, do you see the imprint of your foot? We wear them so often that there is a permanent indentation of our foot, not to mention there's probably no sole left on the darn things!
Okay, so enough about the support, what about the protection? Slippahz provide no protection for our feet at all. Our feet are left uncovered to gather dirt, or just begging to be stepped on, stub a toe and split it open, or in my case, mosquitos have a field day on the tops of my feet. We leave them open for bacteria, and we all know that Fort Street isn't the cleanest place in the world...I mean imagine standing on the corner waiting to cross the street, or simply walking down the street and someone close by happens to spit. That nice ocean breeze we love so much picks a little bit of that spit up, and next thing you know...you've got someone's saliva all over your uncovered foot. Uhhhh can you say GROSS! I suppose that's the risk we take when the island wear is shorts and slippahz...
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