About Me

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I'm an easy going person who likes the simple things in life. I enjoy a good laugh always. I may seem quiet, but I'm really not. Currently I attend HPU, looking forward to graduation in a year or less. I'm studying Visual Communication or Multimedia as some may know it. I have no idea what I want to do, but I'm learning a lot and am open to wherever this takes me.

Monday, March 30, 2009

What a Life!

Man, it must be nice being able to be a movie star...
I USED to have a lot of respect for actors, well that was BEFORE I realized that the word actor can have a few different meanings. Here I am, this amateur actor who has done a few plays here and there. Plays that I'm really proud of, plays where I've performed before an audience of 5,000 people. You better believe that I worked my butt off to memorize lines, blocking, even doing some method acting to get into character a little more. I mean I went all out, gave it my all, because in theater you only have one shot. If you mess up, forget your lines, that's it. You feel like you've screwed up the entire play, and chances are... you might've.

Then you've got acting for film. I don't know much about it, but I do know that you can mess up, forget your lines, WHATEVER, and still get another shot. You can go through infinite amounts of takes (of course directors don't like that, but still...you get my point). I understand a lot of time goes into making movies, there's the script read through, preparation for a character whether it's gaining or losing weight, interviews, paparazzi, etc. AHHHH OMG it can get sooooo frustrating! 

Seriously though, I'm taking a video production class and I'm really starting to see who does the most work. And quite frankly the talent has it the easiest. All they have to do is take direction, stand where they're told to stand for the .5 second shot, reposition themselves, make a different facial expression, then repeat. 

I'm only knocking professional actors because I have a really good friend who just signed a contract for a pretty good part in a pretty big movie sequel for Xmillion dollars. I'm complaining about the stress that I'm going through because of school, and he's complaining about having to go to Hollywood parties with bodyguards, or having too many interviews in a day, or having to workout, or my favorite, "having to meet the other super famous cast members".  I sit here rolling my eyes, thinking, "man, what a life!"

Monday, March 2, 2009

Mexico: Murder Waiting to Happen

I was really bummed when my mother told me that I couldn't go to Mexico to visit my grandparents last summer. I know what you're thinking, why do I need my mother's permission right? I'm 21 I can do what I want. Well, it was even worse when my grandparents told me they didn't want me to visit them. 

Mexico is a very dangerous place right now. A vast majority of policemen have quit their job and have went in to hiding with their families. Not long ago Mexico's President declared war on the Mexican drug cartels, only to fuel the fire. Mexico is now a place of assault, kidnappings, torture, brutal beatings and even beheadings. As of right now, there are a reported 60,000 Mexican military forces and police fighting this war against the cartel, but family members have told me that there is not a single policeman come twilight. No one goes out at night, and no one goes anywhere alone in the day. 

Ten military soldiers were found beheaded in December with a threat from the cartel saying, "for every one of ours you kill, we will kill ten of yours." Within the past weeks, the government has received even more threats, and the cartel are beginning to take over. Last week, the cartels threatened to kill 1 policeman every 48 hours until the chief in Juarez resigned. After two deaths, he did and moved to Texas with his family. 

Kidnappings have also picked up. The cartels are taking anyone for ransom, not just the rich, but children from marketplaces. What's next? Is the U.S. in danger, the bordering states, cities El Paso and San Diego? This is serious stuff, it's scary. We hear about this happening overseas, but now it's right next door. I fear for the lives of my grandparents and family members, I wonder when I'll ever see them again...